Sunday, January 13, 2008

I review - Cars

Amidst all the car brouhaha last week in India (courtesy 9th AutoExpo), I took upon me to watch a related movie -"Cars". I, not being a big fan of animated movies, had reservations about the film. The only reason why I chose to watch it was because it looked visually pleasing while it was playing on a 52" Bravia at some electronic store.
First things first, the movie - fantabulous. Better than Pixar's own -The Incredibles. This seventh film from Disney/Pixar was a real treat and could keep the audience engaged for entire 120 minutes. The theme of the film, though, is much cliched one that winning isn't the only thing and team spirit and sportsmanship matter even more.

Set in a world where entire world is populated by cars and other vehicles, the film opens in a final race for the Piston cup. Three main contenders for the race- strip the weathers is a nine time champion, Chick Hicks is all time runner up and lightning MacQueen is a rookie and the protagonist for the film. Scores for the season have been tied between these three and the winner of this final race takes the Piston cup. The final race somehow ends in a tie again and one more decider match is scheduled 10 days later.
During this period MacQueen lands up in a small town called Raditor Spring along Route 66 where life is 100 times slower than what he is used to. Once a busy hub for the passengers travelling to California, life in Raditor Spring has slowed down follwing the construction of interstate 40. It is here that arrogant MacQueen learns about real things in life. MacQueen, otherwise without any pals, makes new friends in the town. He also meets a former Pistion cup champion Hudson Hornet here and learns a trick or two from him. The newly revived MacQueen then reaches California for the ultimate race.

I would not reveal the climax though :).
Its truly amazing how technology has changed the face of motion picture. I bet you would not be able to differentiate between an animated tree and a real tree (both in films ofcourse). A scene where MacQueen's transport truck (called Mack in the movie) after a daylong drive dozes off at night while still riding was beautifully s..well not shot for sure..watever..
Some other scenes like "car" bugs revolving around the neon tube, MacQueen chasing Sally ( a Porshe and MacQueen's love interest) are worth mentioning. About the music, "Life is a highway and I want to ride all night long" is one track I liked.
Post-movie-watch-studies told me that many characters and places in the movie are directly inspired on real Route 66 places and people. Cars won the Golden Globe Award for the Best animated film. Cars also won the highest award for animation in 2006, the Best Animated Feature Annie Award.
Well, that ends my first review on any movie. All in all, its more than worth (both rupees and the fuel) going to the DVD store for this one.

Rating: **** (dont misinterprate the four stars.)


Anonymous said...

Didnt think tat ur a writer !!..enunciating the story line in a metaphoric manner..bravo mere bhai.. Naresh S

Dish said...

Bhai more than anything, Cars is a sports movie, told VERY honestly. It has this endearing, quite-like-us protagonist who goes through a cathartic experience in an unlikely place - making it a unique riches to rags to riches story. It reminds us of all those cozy, old school values we grew up with; and it does all this with a trademark simplicity, which is a rare virtue in today's meaner cinema. One of my very favourites, this one!